The movie location search engine

movie still

Scene of the Day

Ext. Street - The movie location search engine, is a mobile-optimised site that allows you to discover the filming locations for popular films and TV shows in London, Bath, Rome, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia and many more.

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To enhance your enjoyment of Ext.Street, we use cookies to store information about favourites. Cookies are also stored to remember your dark mode choice and whether you would prefer all cookies disabled. Control of cookies can be found in the help menu.

Ext.Street does not own copyright to any of the still images or posters reproduced on this website. The copyright of these images is retained by the original producers of the work. Ext.Street reproduces these images under Fair Dealing exemption for means of review. If you are the rights holder and believe we are infringing on your copyright, please contact us by email in the first instance.

All maps are property of Google.

All other content ©2023-2024 Ext Street Ltd

Ext Street Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 15077720

Designed and coded by Justin Maelzer.

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Submit a Location

What film are you submitting for?

What is the timestamp of the scene in the film?

Enter the latitude and longitude of the location, separated by a comma:


Please add any notes that you think would be helpful.

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Ext. Street - The movie location search engine, is a mobile-optimised site that allows you to discover the filming locations for popular films and TV shows.

search iconSearch

You can search for titles of films and TV shows, as well as geographical locations in our database. The results are ranked in order of the amount of related locations.

search icon Favourites

Takes you to the favourites page where you can review all of your favourited scenes, unfavourite them if desired, and navigate to them on the map. This functionality requires cookies to be enabled.

search icon
Around me

Find all the locations within walking distance of your current position. This functionality requires location services to be activated on your device. As Ext.Street does not have access to this capability, you will need to grant access via your device’s settings.

Once the map is opened:

search icon

All locations are represented with a coloured pin. Pins with the same colour represent locations relating to the same title.

search icon

Favourited locations are indicated with a heart inside the pin. Clicking on any pin opens up that scenes’ details.

search icon

Every time you see the heart, you can favourite a location to save it for easy access later. A hollow heart represents a location yet to be favourited, while a full heart indicates you have already favourited it. You can just as easily un-favourite a location. This functionality requires cookies to be enabled.

search icon Share

A hyperlink to the scene is copied to the clipboard for sharing online or via messaging.

search icon
Go to film / TV show

Allows you to visit the film / TV show home page. More details about the title are available as well as details of all other scenes. Here you can visit any other scenes, as well as favourite / unfavourite any of the scenes.

From the main map page, you can access these functions in the menu bar.

search icon Filter

Looking at the current scope of the map, this opens up the filter list and shows which scenes are visible or not. You can select which titles you wish to see locations for. When you have made your selection, you can close the list to see the updated pins.

This feature is limited geographically and will not work if zoomed out too far. If no scenes exist in the current field of view, this also will not activate the filter list.

The filter list has its own functionality:

search icon
Toggle: Inverts the current selection of titles.
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All: Activates or deactivates all the pins.
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Film: Selects only Film titles.
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TV: Selects only TV titles.
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Filter Faves

Taking the field of view, all non-favourite pins are removed and only your favourites are shown.

search icon Search

Activates the search bar, to initiate another search.

search icon More

Opens up another menu with further options.

search icon Help

You’re already here. This is help.

search icon Submit

If you wish to submit a scene and location to be considered for inclusion in Ext Street’s database you can open up the submission form here. Although we ask for your email address, this is only for our records and is not obligatory. We promise not to pass on your details to third parties, or subject you to unsolicited emails.

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Dark mode

Toggles dark mode which inverts the colour scheme of the user interface. This is useful for those who may be visually impaired or viewing in darker conditions.

search icon Layer

Rotates through three variations of the Google map; Satellite, map and hybrid.


To enhance your enjoyment of Ext.Street, we use cookies to store information about favourites. Cookies are also stored to remember your dark mode choice and whether you would prefer all cookies disabled.